Logiciels PC Special 3
Logiciel PC - Hors-Serie 3.iso
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Emerson Arcadia 2001 Emulator
by Paul Robson (autismuk@aol.com)
What's new in this release :-
- semi-scanline based screen engine implemented
- accurate palette from real screen shots
- block graphic mode implemented
- console keys latched
- horizontal scrolling bits implemented
- palette switching for sprite multiplexing works properly.
- sound tuned [reasonably] accurately
- noise channel added
- all controller keys emulated
- emulation now much faster
Also, I now have (I think) a better idea of how fast the 2650 CPU goes,
namely much slower than I thought. The default has it running at 38x262x60
Cycles/Sec which is about 100k instructions per second. This emulator should
now run happily on anything above say a 486-33 (untested guess !) though
frame skipping may be required.
There are no limits on the distribution of this emulator. This will not
run on Windows NT, but should work quite contentedly on DOS or Windows 95.
ROMs are currently available from the homepage at
http://users.aol.com/mk14emu/arcadia.htm. If you have any more Arcadia
ROMs, please let me have them. The emulator was primarily written by
decoding the ROMs, so the more ROMs I have, the fewer bugs there are
likely to be.
To run a game, run it using 2001 <ROM Name> e.g. 2001 CATTRAX.BIN
The screen uses a alternate VGA (256x256) mode which should work on
all VGA monitors. It is possible to change it to a slightly squashed
320x200 mode by changing "2001.ini". In 320x200 mode 8 lines of the
display are lost (the resolution is 128x208) which is virtually
unnoticeable. This mode is useful for screenshots (if anyone should
want them) as it can be cut and pasted from a Windows 95 DOS box.
The sound requires an Adlib card to be present at $0388. This can be
moved by changing the 2001.INI file provided. Your Adlib card address
can be found using the Win 95 Control Panel/System Icon, or the
appropriate DOS utility. 2 channels of the card are used, one for the
beeps and one for the white noise. And if you're wondering, Alien
Invaders really does sound that awful when it starts up.
Occasionally the paddles get swapped over (usually at the end of a game !)
To correct this, press F9. Yes, its a total bodge caused by the truly
amazing way the paddle axes are multiplexed. Cat Tracks is particularly
bad at this, you'll need to F9 at the start of every life. Sorry, but I
haven't cracked this one yet, it's to do with instruction timing on the
delay loop which plays the rinky-dink tune at the start (and stops frame
F1 Start (the EA console buttons)
F2 Options
F3 Difficulty
F5 Reset
F9 Switch Paddle Axes (if u/d/l/r get swapped)
Arrow Keys Player 1 Paddle.
ZXCF Player 2 Paddle
Space Player 1 fire key (alternate to keypad).
G Player 2 fire (alternate to keypad).
The controller buttons are emulated as shown below. Note that Key 2 has
the same function as the fire key.
Controller Layout Keyboard Keys (P1) Keyboard Keys (P2)
----------------- ------------------ ------------------
1 2 3 NumL * / 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8 9 T Y U
7 8 9 4 5 6 G H J
Enter 0 Clear 1 2 3 B N M
Paul Robson (autismuk@aol.com)
30th July 1998
Thanks to the following who contributed to this project (in alphabetical
Dan Adams - Beta Testing
Anthony Brown - help with the 2637 PPU & odd bits of information
Andrew Davie - help with the 2650 CPU & lots of typing ;-)
Sylvain DeChantal - maintainer of the Emerson Arcadia 2001 FAQ
Riccio - Beta Testing
Jay Tilton - inspiration and assistance with the Emerson Hardware